How To Find If The MS Office Version is 32 or 64 Bit?

Whenever we need to install a new software or tool, the most basic question one need to answer is to find the MS Office version installed. So, want to find if you’re running the 32 bit or the 64 bit Office 2010? 
Following are the steps to  find out:
1. Open any MS Office application – Word/Excel/Power point or any other.
2. Click ‘File’ Menu.
3. Click at ‘Help’.
4. The Office version is displayed on right hand side as highlighted in red box.

ms office version

MS-Excel 32 Bit
And it’s done! Quite easy right?
The steps to find the version would be almost similar for all office applications and any windows version. 
Hope it helped.
Also check the below link for more posts related to MS Office: