Users of HP ALM can be added as site administrators. This can only be done by other site administrators. The first site administrator is created at the time of installation. Before adding the user as site administrator, it must be made sure that the user is added in HP-ALM. If the user is not added to HP-ALM, the site administrator window would not list the same in it’s find section.
Following are the steps to add site administrators in HP ALM.
1. Login to HP ALM Site Administrator URL.
2. Click on ‘Site Users’ tab.
3. Click on ‘Site Administrators’ button.
4. Site Administrators window with list of existing site administrators is opened.
5. Click on add button
6. ALM users can be found by typing their names in find box. Once the match is found, the username would be highlighted in gray color.
7. Click on ‘Add Selected Item’ button on top. The user would be added as Site Administrator.
8. Similarly, the already added Site Administrators can be removed by selecting the user and clicking Remove button from the top.