QTP Function-Export/Send Output/Result Data to Excel

The below function exports the data to an excel sheet from QTP. We can use this function to export the test results to excel. The function would be called every time a custom checkpoint occurs.

   1: Function WriteData(Flag,ResultArray,i)
   2:    'Output data from result array to excel
   3:     ExcelPath="FilePath.xls"
   4:     WorkSheetName2="Sheet1"
   5:     StatusPass="Pass"
   6:     StatusFail="Fail"
   7:     StatusNoRun="No Run"
   8:     'Modify Array with status
   9:     If Flag=1 Then
  10:         ReDim Preserve ResultArray(i)
  11:         ResultArray(2)=StatusPass
  12:     else
  13:         ReDim Preserve ResultArray(i)
  14:         ResultArray(2)=StatusFail
  15:     End If
  16:     'Ensure that the xls file exists
  17:     CheckFile (ExcelPath)
  18:     'Create Excel Object
  19:     Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  20:     Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open(ExcelPath)
  21:     Set ObjSheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(WorkSheetName2)
  22:     'Count  number of  used rows 
  23:     iRowCount = ObjSheet.usedrange.rows.count
  24:     i=iRowCount+1
  25:     j=0
  26:     For each k in ResultArray
  27:         j=j+1
  28:         ObjSheet.cells(i,j).value=k
  29:     Next
  30:     'Get the final value of status field
  31:     Status=ObjSheet.cells(i,3)
  32:     'Mark the colour of status field depending on its value
  33:     Select Case Status
  34:       Case StatusPass
  35:           ObjSheet.cells(i,3).interior.colorindex =4
  36:       Case StatusFail
  37:           ObjSheet.cells(i,3).interior.colorindex =3
  38:       Case StatusNoRun
  39:           ObjSheet.cells(i,3).interior.colorindex =6
  40:     End Select
  41:     'Save workbook
  42:     ObjWorkbook.Save
  43:     'Close excel sheet
  44:     ObjExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
  45:     ObjExcel.Quit
  46:     ' destroy the other objects 
  47:     Set ObjExcel = Nothing
  48:     Set ObjSheet = Nothing
  49:     Set objFS = Nothing
  50: End Function

Line Number wise Explanation:-

Flag is a Boolean variable where 1 is a pass.
ResultArray stores the strings for pass/fail status for each checkpoint.
i corresponds to number of strings in the Result array.
The excel sheet looks like:-

Excel Sheet for QTP function

1: We pass the variable Flag,ResultArray,i as function arguments.
3: Specify the path name in argument “ExcelPath”. Here we can also export the path name to a XML file by using the below code.
we load the environment  variables from the XML file. The contents of xml file can be as below

   1: <Environment>
   2:     <Variable>
   3:         <Name>FLOWREPOSITRY</Name>
   4:         <Value>pathShared_Repository.tsr</Value>
   5:     </Variable>
   6:     <Variable>
   7:         <Name>FUNCTIONLIBRARY</Name>
   8:         <Value>PathGeneralFunctionLibrary.qfl</Value>
   9:     </Variable>
  10:     <Variable>
  11:         <Name>INPUTEXCELPATH</Name>
  12:         <Value>PathTestData.xls</Value>
  13:     </Variable>
  14:     <Variable>
  15:         <Name>OUTPUTEXCELPATH</Name>
  16:         <Value>PathTestResult.xls</Value>
  17:     </Variable>
  18:     <Variable>
  19:         <Name>RECOVERYSCENARIO</Name>
  20:         <Value></Value>
  21:     </Variable>
  22: </Environment>

4:   Define the variable to store name of worksheet.
5:   StatusPass is the string to contain “Pass” string
6:   StatusFail is the string to contain “Fail” string
7:   StatusNoRun is the string to contain “No Run” string
9:   If Flag=1, then Store Pass status to 2nd column of ResultArray other wise Store Fail status to 2nd column of ResultArray
17: Check if the output file exists.
19: Create the object for Excel
20: Create the object for workbook
21: Create the objects for sheet.
23: Count the number of used rows in output sheet(so that the next run would be stored in next line) and store in variable iRowCount.
24: Set value if i to the next empty row number
15: Count the number of columns in input sheet and store in variable iColumnCount.

18: for each row, 1st column value is saved in the variable TestName
20: The controls goes into If condition if the TestName retrieved is same as TestId passed. Other wise it is skipped and goes to next row till end of rows.
21: The inner for loop traverses through the columns of required test.
23: Each column value is saved in DataArray.
26: The for loop traverses Result Array and places it’s data in the excelsheet
31: Retrieve the status of test from ith row, 3rd column.
33. The case statement is used to colour the cells according to their status. Red for Fail, Green for Pass and
42: Save the excel sheet
44: We need to close the excel object.
47: We should destroy the Objects as not doing so would

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Unknown

    Hi Amita

    What arguments do i pass from the main test for WriteDate(Flag,ResultsArray,i)

  2. Amita

    Flag is a Boolean variable where 1 is a pass.
    ResultArray stores the strings for pass/fail status for each checkpoint.
    i corresponds to number of strings in the Result array.

    Please see the "Line Number wise Explanation" section in the post for details

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